Английский язык » Тесты » Тест на Complex Object и Complex Subject

Тест на Complex Object и Complex Subject

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Предлагаем вашему вниманию тест, содержащий вопросы по темам Complex Object и Complex Subject. Данная тема довольно актуальна, так как обогащает нашу речь конструкциями, которые часто используют носители языка. Итак, перед прохождением теста рекомендуем обратить внимание на сложное дополнение и сложное подлежащее, а уже после повторения пройти тест и поделиться результатами. 

1. Choose the sentence with complex object

2. Rewrite the following sentence using complex object: They know that Tom’s friend is an excellent professional.

3. Rewrite the following sentence using complex object: Anastasia saw a professor. He was explaining students’ mistakes.

4. Rewrite the following sentences using complex object: The governor of South Carolina was calling for removal from a ceremonial place at the state house. We heard it.

5. Combine the following sentences into one using complex objects: I heard him. He was speaking English fluently.

6. Which sentence contains complex object?

7. Combine sentences using Complex Object: Tom saw him. He opened the door of the house in the dark.

8. Which sentence is correct?

9. Remake sentences using complex object: I was so nervous. I felt that my heart was beating very fast.

10. Choose the right variant.

11. Choose the right variant.

12. Choose the right variant.

13. Which sentence is correct?

14. Choose the right variant: The number of the unemployed people in the world is reported  _______with every year.

15. Choose the right variant.

16. Rewrite the following sentence: It is believed that the mountain gorillas are very calm and shy.

17. Rewrite the following sentence: It is said that a lot of weightlifters have enormous muscles.

18. Choose the right variant:

19. Rephrase the following sentence: It appeared that he had spent the night in mountains.

20. Translate the following setntence into English: Я хочу подстричься.

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