Английский язык » Тесты » Conditionals: тест на условные предложения с ответами

Conditionals: тест на условные предложения с ответами

Вы точно уверены, что поняли одну из самых сложных тем в английском языке?! Перед Вами тест на все типы условных предложений и wishes, который состоит из 25 вопросов. Задания охватывают различные нюансы и тонкости, такие как mixed conditionals, некоторые особенности 0 типа, 1 типа, 2 типа и др. Ответы и пояснения к ним можно разобрать в комментариях или на форуме. Не забудьте поделиться данным тестом с друзьями в соцсетях. Ни пуха ни пера!

1. If the weather were fine, they … out of town.

2. If Tom had enough money, he … to the USA long ago.

3. If I … their language, I could understand what they were saying.

4. We … win the cup If we keep playing this well.

5. If you touch a socket with wet hands, you … an electric shock.

6. If I … noticed Nick, I would have stopped him.

7. "Listen to me, Mary! The officer says I cannot go abroad now! I wish I ... the parking fine! I'm so sorry!"

8. If I … you, I would apologize to her.

9. If you live in Australia, January ... in the middle of summer.

10. If Jane … this medicine yesterday, she would feel better now.

11. When we ... to the cinema, we ... popcorn.

12. If the weather… fine, he will go out of town.

13. If it hadn’t been raining yesterday, we … on a trip.

14. – If you ... down for a second, I'll be able to help you. – No, I hate you!

15. If John were playing tonight, we … a better chance of winning.

16. We’ll just go to another restaurant if this one … fully occupied.

17. Had the guests come, I … the house.

18. If Rebecca … his phone number before, she would have called him.

19. They … let you on the plane unless you have a valid passport.

20. If I … a taxi, I would have been there in time.

21. It will save us time and money if we ... the hotel and flight together.

22. I … more shopping in this store if things weren't so expensive here.

23. If I knew his address, I … to him.

24. I'm sure she … forgive you if you apologize.

25. I need to get to the supermarket very quickly. I wish I ... a car!

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